Everybody travels. Whether it’s for business, pleasure, vacation or finding a meaning of life, at some point we all depart from our comfort to new environment with totally different conditions.
My biggest struggle was and still is how to maintain healthy lifestyle while I’m traveling. I bet some of you have few questions on this topic ! It can be hard, especially when you travel for a long period of time. You change your food regime and body react in a different ways. Like it or not it usually reacts in bad way. Why ? It’s simple, you have changed everything, from food, drinks, sleeping regime to a weather conditions and your body is trying to adapt on a new situation. Help you body in this fight and follow my simple tricks how stay healthy and fit during the whole time.

To be honest, I’m still not completely happy with my situation but slowly getting there. The most important thing is consistence. Second one, like in everyday’s life is to stay focus and listen to your body. Some tips and tricks may work for me but not for you. We are all different and our metabolism works in a different way. I tried to put together some tips that will keep you in better shape then one from your last trip. So let’s go !
Green tea
Avoid coffee and get your cup of green tea in the morning, it will boost your metabolism in right way.

Stay hydrated
It’s all about being hydrated especially when you walking around a lot. Always take an extra bottle of water so you can explore new places even on a extremity hot day. Increasing you water intake will help flush out toxins from your body.
smart way of eating salad
If you are a salad lover try to order it with a dressing on a side. It’s usually the most unhealthy part of the meal so dose it smartly.
morning routine
I know that isn’t always easy to exercise, especially when you travel but take every morning 15 minutes to do a standard list of exercises.
helpful applications
If you are bad with making up new home – adjusted exercises download some application that will help you to stick with morning routine. That way you will be sure you are doing all right and it will be set in your mind like something you have to do .
Take a walk instead of taxi. Yes it’s good in many ways. Not only you save your money, explore the city but you are doing a good to your body not even knowing it. This “all day exercise” will keep you happy and fit so practice it often.
Light dinner before 8pm
Don’t eat too much for dinner, especially when you’re traveling. It may cause some issues with stomach.
stick to your home routine
Your body reacts usually bad on the new new life routine so try to keep up with your home routine as much as you can. That way you will stay in shape and your body won’t show any skin or health problems.
plan meals
Same like you planned your day of excursions, plan your meals. That way you won’t find yourself eating unhealthy. Planing is the key of the balanced trip!

helathy nuts
Always in your bag have a secret portion of almonds, hazelnuts or any kind of nuts when you get hungry. It’s healthy, tasteful and you will forget about hunger in a minute.
Here’s something you already know: drinking alcohol isn’t exactly healthy for you. I believe drinking can be done occasionally, in moderation, and a healthy lifestyle can still be achieved. Party with purpose, drink wine, beer or liquor. Avoid sugary mixed drinks or energy drinks and alcohol combo. It’s terrible for you. Sugar is literally the devil. And drink a water between each drink. It makes miracles, believe me .

Hope this small tricks gonna help you to stay fit, happy and healthy through all days of traveling.
If you have your secrets how to stay fit feel free to share it ! Would love to hear all about it !
Great Article…I think having tea instead of coffee makes us much more healthier. Keep writing
thank you so much! sure we are agree on that! 🙂