Every journey has a beginning and I want to share mine with all of you who have been following me from the very beginning. To start a diet, business or blog is not easy! Actually, every beginning is scary because we are not sure what we are doing. Only thing I know is that I started everything with a passion and deep need to share my stories. My journey started 6 years ago when I decided to spend a summer in America on a Work & Travel program. At that time I only visited few countries around Croatia and that was a huge step for me. Something I always wanted, like dream come true. I’ve worked for whole year combining 3 students jobs and my classes on collage of civil engineering. When I look back I admire myself how dedicated and focused I was. Yes it was a dream that became a reality and changed my life forever. I remember crossing the Time Square for the first time. Those feeling are something I’ve been waiting for whole life. After that I knew nothing will be the same. Didn’t know how, but deep down everything was clear. At that time it […]
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Lately I’ve been trying to write down few blog post that I was really looking forward but work and blogging became my full time occupation in last few months and I didn’t have time to do so. However, I want to make clear once again that I’m really enjoying writing blog posts and always putting so much ideas on paper that hopefully one day will end up on my site. Busy schedule got me thinking that everything what I can write down should be with a short text and a lot of photos – perfect combination for my first editorial. My recent trip with camper around the Portugal got me to the most beautiful beaches and in one of them I was lucky enough to spent a night. Next morning I did shooting and made some really great photos that I want to share with all of you. Let’s enjoy now …. This beach is located in Aveiro, the city on the west coast of Portugal, on Instagram mostly known for the colorful houses with white stripes. I’m sure you already seen it somewhere on the internet. Beside the cute houses Aveiro has dreamy sandy beach. […]
Jutro je moj najdraži dio dana te se nastojim probuditi što ranije kako bi ga maksimalno iskoristio. Dan uvijek započinjem tako da odvojim 10-15 min za sebe – meditacija mi pomaže da izbalansiram energiju i pripremim se za dan pun obaveza. Kako radim od kuće na svom malom radnom stolu poslužujem prvu jutarnju kavu. Svi koji me poznaju znaju koliko volim svoju jutarnju rutinu te da je ispijanje kave jedan od važnijih dijelova iste. Prije nego što sam dobio na isprobavanje De’Longhi aparat za kavu DINAMICA ECAM 350.55.B uglavnom sam pio espreso, ali uz ovaj aparat za kavu i različite opcije koje ima često pravim caffee late ili cappuccino, upravo onako kako to pijem i izvan stana. Aparat je vrlo jednostavan za rukovanje i dolazi si vrlo jasnim uputama za korištenje i održavanje. Kao što sam spomenuo ranije, do sada sam konzumirao kavu iz kapsula ali sada isprobavam različite oblike s prženom kavom iz mog najdražeg kafića. Za sve kavoljupce poput mene, jako je bitna informacija da ovom aparatu možete isprobavati različite napitke kao što su espresso, caffe latte, americano, cappuccino i latte macchiato. DeLonghi DINAMICA ECAM 350.55.B je espresso aparat za kavu. Espresso nastaje kada pritisak tople vode […]
Long awaited spring finally has arrived to Zagreb, Croatia ! This year more then ever I was waiting to jump in lighter clothes so I can enjoy outside activities around the city ! On another side of globe spring has already arrived in the most beautiful way. Sakura in Japan is one of the most famous tourist attractions! I know I’ll visit Japan soon but this year I needed to get my “dose” of spring photos somewhere closer ! This time in my city! I found this street by accident and couldn’t resist not to do what I do the best ! The meaning of cherry blossoms in Japan runs deep, making the country’s national flower a cultural icon known around the world not just for its overwhelming beauty, but for its enduring expression of life, death and renewal. Japanese cherry blossoms are a timeless metaphor for human existence. Blooming season is powerful, glorious and intoxicating, but tragically short-lived — a visual reminder that our lives, too, are fleeting. I’ll finally let you to enjoy the photos and let your mind fly into this vivid blossom symphony! Stay with me till the end as I’ll announce exact address of this beautiful street […]