If you are tired of Thailand, give a Cambodia go and you wont regret. Traveling gives us so much, most of the times we don’t even notice that we been blessed by someone’s smile, warm look or nice word. We collect those memories deep inside and changing that memories into a new experiences. But the smile of the youngest is what amaze me the most. Few months ago I traveled to Cambodia and these small faces left me speechless . Ever since Angelina Jolie swung trough the ruins in Cambodia as Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, the place has been crawling with tourists. Despite that it is still charming and easy to walk and explore. Try Great Wall on Sunday or any other holiday then you will see the real meaning of “packed with tourists”. The beauty of this country is definitely in their citizens.Their way of living it’s so simple, they work just enough to buy food and some basic things beside that they just enjoy life sharing simple moments with there close family. Cambodia is still pure, not ruined with money from the western people so this is the right time to travel there. […]