Well, Iceland was and still is one of my favorite places in the world. Ever since I was a little instead of chasing ball I dreamt about foreign and distant places and somehow Iceland was always on the top of my list. Some people claim that in the silence of Iceland’s wilderness, you come closer to hearing God. And now I believe in that. There is something magical in this remote island, something that will change your mind and heart forever and make you come for more. Every minute here brings you another astonishing sight that seems more like another planet than the native Earth. While there are so many places in the world I still haven’t explored I would still go for Iceland over any other. A year and half since I’ve been there and so far I didn’t write a single word about it. I think I was too afraid to ruin beauty of the Iceland with my amateur writing skills. Maybe my recent trip to New Zealand has something with it, but somehow all the memories and pictures from Iceland recently started run through my mind. So finally I pulled my thoughts together and decided to create […]