I finally found some time to write few blog posts with New York City as main star! Since last summer I got so many messages on my Instagram page referring to this subject so I decided to put some things on “paper” for all of you who are dreaming to visit this magical city one day. I’m so happy that I had chance to spent 3 months in Nyc and again, after 2013. live my dreams. At first I was really afraid to come back as I wasn’t sure how I’m going to “feel” this time and didn’t want to break my bubble of love that I was secretly keeping for myself during last 6 years . However nothing has changed! I was still madly in love with the city ! And hopefully it will stay like that for many more years. But let’s go back to subject; in this blog post I wanted to share few of my favorite views around Nyc. Some of them are not typical tourist places so I really hope you will put them in your itinerary. So let’s start with countdown: Tudor city is an apartment complex located on the East Side of Manhattan, between […]
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Every journey has a beginning and I want to share mine with all of you who have been following me from the very beginning. To start a diet, business or blog is not easy! Actually, every beginning is scary because we are not sure what we are doing. Only thing I know is that I started everything with a passion and deep need to share my stories. My journey started 6 years ago when I decided to spend a summer in America on a Work & Travel program. At that time I only visited few countries around Croatia and that was a huge step for me. Something I always wanted, like dream come true. I’ve worked for whole year combining 3 students jobs and my classes on collage of civil engineering. When I look back I admire myself how dedicated and focused I was. Yes it was a dream that became a reality and changed my life forever. I remember crossing the Time Square for the first time. Those feeling are something I’ve been waiting for whole life. After that I knew nothing will be the same. Didn’t know how, but deep down everything was clear. At that time it […]
If you are big fan of a spooky stories stay with me as you will hear one right now. I don’t know if you believe in ghosts or not but we all must agree on one thing; there is something powerful almost magical around this places. Abandoned a few decades back, the village now lies half buried in sand, and nobody precisely knows why. The locals say that village was last inhabited by the people of Al Kutbi tribe. The houses that you see here, date back to the 80’s. Legends have it that there could be a nasty “djinn” ( a supernatural creature that Muslim community believes in) responsible for driving the residents away. It is also, more likely that the unwelcoming desert was the main reason for driving people away. Google Map locates the ‘Buried Village’ quite accurately, but you will need a 4WD to cover the final stretch of the route that leads to the village. Our adventure almost finished terrible as we got stuck in the sand but the local guy who was with us help us to get back on track and we managed to get on a solid ground. Once […]
My recent trip to Tanzania was one of the most amazing experiences I ever had. After this article you will know why! It is so hard not to fall in love with beautiful land that Mother Africa has to offer. Honestly, this trip was for a long time on my bucket list but somehow was afraid of it. Guess lack of knowledge and all rumors made me wait this long. And now after I did it all I want to do is to escape again, this time for longer period and try to help and build better future for this amazing community. The Maasai people reside in both Kenya and Tanzania, living along the border of the two countries. In last decades way of living for a Massai tribe changed a lot. They still live by their heritage but some of them are leaving the nomadic way of living and move to bigger cities. Many Maasai tribes throughout Tanzania and Kenya welcome visits to their villages to experience their culture, traditions, and lifestyle. They charge 50$ per car which is fair amount in my opinion. There are several villages you can stop by and enjoy their tradition and performance. Opening the village for tourism allow tribes people […]
Earlier this year when I got an invite from my blogger friend to come and spend two days in beautiful b&b Palazzo Angelica in Oprtalj I couldn’t be more happier. Actually it’s sad that I have travelled all around the World but this was my first time in Istria- one of the most beautiful regions in Croatia. I didn’t have big expectations but to have fun with rest of the bloggers and to see as much as I can from this picturesque little village. We had an itinerary that was mostly combined with tastings of local food and beverages. Do I need to tell that gin and beer tasting was my favorite. Maybe, but just maybe we had few drinks over the limit but that’s what good company is for ! 🙂 Oprtalj is small village situated in the central Istria, right next to famous “Motovun “! This area is known for truffles and wines. Everyone who loves good food should come here and try their authentic cousin. You will thank me later ! Our stay in villa was amazing ; huge pool, great company and perfect weather – all elements for a great time. If you are curious to […]
Long awaited spring finally has arrived to Zagreb, Croatia ! This year more then ever I was waiting to jump in lighter clothes so I can enjoy outside activities around the city ! On another side of globe spring has already arrived in the most beautiful way. Sakura in Japan is one of the most famous tourist attractions! I know I’ll visit Japan soon but this year I needed to get my “dose” of spring photos somewhere closer ! This time in my city! I found this street by accident and couldn’t resist not to do what I do the best ! The meaning of cherry blossoms in Japan runs deep, making the country’s national flower a cultural icon known around the world not just for its overwhelming beauty, but for its enduring expression of life, death and renewal. Japanese cherry blossoms are a timeless metaphor for human existence. Blooming season is powerful, glorious and intoxicating, but tragically short-lived — a visual reminder that our lives, too, are fleeting. I’ll finally let you to enjoy the photos and let your mind fly into this vivid blossom symphony! Stay with me till the end as I’ll announce exact address of this beautiful street […]